Homeschooling Questions Answered

Marketing research by RickySpears (skaDoogle)


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Homeschooling While You Shop?

Marketing research by RickySpears (skaDoogle)


Helping others reach digital marketing goals!

Yes, It can be done! We are all busy juggling multiple tasks at once, and it does not get any easier when you are homeschooling. Here is an idea to get your children to help out with a chore and provide them with a learning opportunity at the same time.

Before going to the grocery store, ask your children to help you with a shopping list. You can go around the house - the fridge, pantry, and the bathroom cabinet, etc.- and categorise the list. You can also go through the flyer and see what's on sale and check on the price differences from one store to the another. (You can also discuss distribution channel and marketing for older kids.) Bring a calculator (if your kids prefer doing math that way) for your shopping trip.

Once you are at the grocery store, let the children do the shopping while you supervise. Show them how to select items based on the quality and/or price. While you are comparing the price, do a quick math lesson, or if you buy multiple of one item, what the total price differences would be. In the produce section, discuss where fruits and vegetables are from, and why you find thing from that particular climate. You can also talk about environment and organic produce. Have children weight vegitables and ask them how much a pound and a half of grapes would be.

In the meat and seafood section, discuss where they come from, how they keep them fresh, and what would happen if they are not kept cold. Many seafood items are imported, so you may discuss geography. If you are cooking a roast that day, you may have the children use the meat themometer and determine how cooked it is, and if it is safe to eat.

While you are in line at the check out counter, take out your coupons and ask them how much you can save if you use the double coupons. If you buy 3 Klenex tissue boxes on sale for $3, and have $.75 off coupon, how much would each box costs? How about if you get "buy one get one free" can of soup for $2.50 and have $.50 off coupon?

Don't forget to recycle those soda cans and talk about aluminum, recycling, and environment! On the way home, talk about how much gas you used for what distance, and how you can save money and environment by reducing the number of trips you take each month. Why is the gas so expensive? Where does the oil come from? How about the new hybrid cars? If the kids are done talking, you can listen to a CD and complete you day with a music lesson!

by Tim Brechbill

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Marketing research by RickySpears (skaDoogle)


Helping others reach digital marketing goals!

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